
Welcome to Hunter's Lair Bondage site. We will be posting newest video clip along with some from our archives of video clips re-rendered into better quality clips of where petty girls endure in extremely tight bondage, scary predicaments and erotic bound orgasms which they can't escape.  We have been shooting quality bondage video clips for 22 years.

The clips featured here are mostly local neighborhood girls and women that you won't see anywhere else. I use very few professional models and many of my models are gorgeous women over 40. They are all housewives, mothers, students, office workers, nurses, by day and moonlight as bondage damsels. My rope work is extremely tight and uncomfortable and the damsels have no chance of escape. I specialize in tight elbow crushing bondage. Most of the videos feature high heels, stockings, short skirts, satin blouses, and up the skirt panty peeks.

I fashion my style from the old John Willie photos, Robert Bishop drawings and old detective magazine covers. The videos are all shot on location in basements, garages, caves, houses, warehouse and abandoned factory settings. You will find no studio quality work or sterile settings. Most of my work is inspired by the old HOM movies..


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